With today’s release of LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales on Disney+, I was inspired to write about Star Wars and horror. When I made my 100 Horror Movies in 92 Days post on Facebook someone commented snarkily about how “the Star Wars Universe is in everything”. Well, me being me, I took that snark and decided to put together an article showing that this isn’t the first time Star Wars and horror have mixed. What is even more amazing to me is that I actually owned a fair amount of these without realizing just how much horror there was.
I’ve broken this list down into books, comics, movies, and tv show episodes. This post will be evergreen so if new things come out, I will definitely be adding them.
- Tales from Jabba’s Palace: “A Barve Like That: The Tale of Boba Fett”– Written in 1995, Tales from Jabba’s Palace features stories from several of the side characters you saw in Return of the Jedi. This is included in this round-up because, in the story, Boba Fett hears the voice of one of the Sarlacc’s previous victims describing the fate of a Jedi that the Sarlacc once ate. This all occurs while Boba Fett is trying to escape himself.
- Star Wars: Galaxy of Fear– A young adult 12 book series that was published from 1997 to 1998. According to Wookiepedia, “The books tell the stories of three people and a droid: Tash Arranda, Zak Arranda, their Shi’ido uncle Mammon Hoole, and his droid DV-9. Tash and Zak are young survivors of the destruction of Alderaan, two Force-sensitive beings who are trying to hide from the Galactic Empire and reveal secrets along the way. They adventure all across the galaxy, running afoul of another Shi’ido scientist, Borborygmus Gog, and Darth Vader. Many other famous Star Wars characters make cameo appearances in the books.”
- Death Troopers– Written in 2010 by Joe Schrieber and is now considered part of the Legends. In Death Troopers, “when the Imperial prison barge Purge—temporary home to five hundred of the galaxy’s most ruthless killers, rebels, scoundrels, and thieves—breaks down in a distant part of space, its only hope appears to lie with a Star Destroyer found drifting and seemingly abandoned. But when a boarding party from the Purge is sent to scavenge for parts, only half of them come back—bringing with them a horrific disease so lethal that within hours nearly all aboard the Purge die in ways too hideous to imagine.”
- Red Harvest– Another Legends entry by Joe Schrieber, this time written in 2012. In Red Harvest, “The era of the Old Republic is a dark and dangerous time, as Jedi Knights valiantly battle the Sith Lords and their ruthless armies. But the Sith have disturbing plans—and none more so than the fulfillment of Darth Scabrous’s fanatical dream, which is about to become a nightmarish reality.”
- Star Wars Dark Legends– This book was written in 2020 by George Mann and Grant Griffin, who also wrote Star Wars: Myths & Fables. Dark Legends is “a unique in-world collection that hallows the spooky tales and ghost stories that would have kept young Luke and Leia up at night. These seven frightful fables have been carefully woven from the expansive fabric that is the Star Wars galaxy (including the thrilling landscape from Galaxy’s Edge at Disneyland and Disney World), and beautifully painted in a lush illustrative style that feels intergalactic yet innately archetypal and timeless.”
- Star Wars: The Screaming Citadel– According to Jason Aaron, one of the authors of the comic, this Doctor Aphra and Star Wars crossover comic “is very much a Star Wars gothic-horror story”. In it, “a rebel pilot and a rogue archaeologist delve into the darkest shadows of the galaxy side by side, as Luke Skywalker reluctantly teams up with Doctor Aphra! The not-so-good Doctor will make Luke an offer he can’t afford to pass up…one that leads him to a very rare gathering at the heart of the infamous Screaming Citadel! Will Luke find what he’s looking for? Can Aphra be trusted? Or will they both wind up victims of the Citadel’s queen? And as this unlikely duo steps right into the lair of one of the most powerful, reclusive, and dangerous women in the galaxy, can Han and Leia be far behind them?”
- Star Wars Adventures: Tales from Vader’s Castle– This comic is an anthology-style comic released in 2018. While they are geared towards younger readers, they are still worth checking out!
- Star Wars Adventures: Return to Vader’s Castle– In October 2019, IDW released a follow-up to Tales from Vader’s Castle featuring villains from the movies like Jabba the Hutt, Darth Maul, and Grand Moff Tarkin.
- Star Wars Adventures: Shadow of Vader’s Castle– A one-shot featuring 3 tales from a wise old Mustafarian.
- Star Wars Adventures: Ghosts of Vader’s Castle– The finale of the Vader’s Castle saga. This collection features a special appearance by Anakin Skywalker, Padmé Amidala, and Jar Jar Binks.
Empire Strikes Back– Literally, this movie starts out like a horror movie! The Wampa, Luke literally hangs out with the ghost of his mentor, and Han & Leia get eaten by a giant creature full of space bats. If that doesn’t scream horror to you, I don’t know what to tell you.
- Caravan of Courage: An Ewok Adventure– 1984’s Caravan of Courage may technically be sci-fi but I’d argue that the Gorax that kidnapped the Towani parents was absolutely terrifying as a kid making this title definitely horror adjacent. If you haven’t watched this, go find it on Disney+!
- Ewoks: The Battle for Endor– The follow-up to Caravan of Courage, The Battle for Endor is another film that is mainly sci-fi but once again, the baddies of the film, The Marauders and Nightsister (the Nightsisters are witches from Dathomir who make numerous appearances in games and shows), Charal, make this absolutely horror adjacent.
- The Haunted Village– You may be wondering why this is on the list twice. Well, in 1997 they released “The Haunted Village,” “The Cries of the Trees,” “Rampage of the Phlogs,” and “Sunstar vs. Shadowstone.” episodes of the Ewoks show into a feature-length film.
- LEGO Star Wars Terrifying Tales- The one that started this whole article! This movie plays out like anthology horror and is sure to please Star Wars and horror fans alike. Keep an eye out for the reference to The Shining!
- Ewoks (Season 1 Episode 2): “The Haunted Village”– This episode aired in September of 1985 and was written by Batman author, Paul Dini. The synopsis is as follows, “When the Ewoks discover that Morag the Tulgah Witch is up to her old tricks again, they must protect the village’s sunberry trees from Morag’s Mantigrue using their shadowroot soap. Meanwhile, the Duloks are up to no good, hoping to steal some of this soap for themselves and use some of it to scare the Ewoks.”
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Season 1 Episode 10): “The Lair of Grievous”– Listed on ScreenRant’s article about horror stories in the Star Wars Universe because its suspense, in this episode “General Grievous must prove himself worthy of the Separatists when Count Dooku leads Jedi Master Kit Fisto and his former Padawan, the Mon Calamari Jedi Nahdar Vebb to Grievous’ villainous enclave.”
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Season 2 Episode 7): “Legacy of Terror”– In this episode “when Luminara goes missing, Obi-Wan and Anakin lead a platoon of clones in search of her. When the search leads to a mysterious lair, the Jedi are faced with a horde of undead warriors.”
- Star Wars: The Clone Wars (Season 2 Episode 8): “Brain Invaders”– Suggested by StarWars.com as an episode to watch on Halloween, this episode features Geonosian brain worms that take control of a supply ship carrying clone troopers, Ahsoka Tano, and Barriss Offee.
- Star Wars: Rebels (Season 1 Episode 5): “Rise of the Old Masters”– A mummified Jedi used as bait? Enough said.
- Star Wars: Rebels (Season 1 Episode 7): “Out of Darkness”– This episode is included because Hera and Sabine have to fight against scary creatures called frynoks!
- LEGO Star Wars: Celebrate the Season– Leading up to the 2021 Disney+ Halloween special, LEGO released 5 Halloween-inspired shorts on YouTube. My friend Mike over at All Hallow’s Geek rounded them all up and you can find them in this great article.
If you’ve enjoyed this article and are looking for other family-friendly horror ideas, be sure to check out my article all about them! Did I forget one of your favorite horror in Star Wars moments? Let me know in the comments below! Happy October everyone!