100 Horror Movies in 92 Days Challenge: The Guidelines

100 Horror Movies in 92 Days Guidelines PostIt’s that time of year! That’s right! The 100 Horror Movies in 92 Days Challenge is upon us! I thought that it would be a good idea to put together the guidelines and rules somewhere other than Twitter.

The Guidelines/Rules
  • The challenge runs from August 1st through October 31st.
  • The goal is to watch at least 100 horror movies in this time period.
  • The films must be new to you. In other words, you have never seen it.
  • Films must be at least 45 minutes to count.
  • Films must be classified as horror by either Letterboxd or IMDb.
    • Exceptions will be made for gateway horror films (ie: Hocus Pocus, The Haunted Mansion, etc) and documentaries about horror movies.
  • While tv shows do not count for the challenge, films from series like Masters of Horror and Hulu’s Into the Dark are considered feature-length films and will count.
  • This challenge isn’t a dictatorship, if a good case can be made for a film that doesn’t fall under the horror category, it can be brought to the server and discussed among participants for a majority ruling. There is a Letterboxd list for movies that have been approved of by the group.
  • There is no limit to how many films must be watched per day or week, only that you should have at least 100 by the end of the challenge.
Tips and Resources
  • When posting on your social channels, use the hashtag #100HorrorMoviesIn92Days so we can all follow along.
  • Use the list and tag function on Letterboxd to follow other participants and get movie recommendations.
    • Use the tag 100HorrorMoviesIn92Days on both your movie reviews (if you put reviews on Letterboxd) and your list.
  • Join the group on our Discord server for encouragement, recommendations, and comradery. (We are active all year as well.)
  • Follow me on Twitter for giveaways, screening opportunities, and more.
  • Be sure to bookmark this site and check back for lists, reviews, and other news regarding the challenge!

I hope these guidelines, tips, and resources help you get the most out of the 100 Horror Movies in 92 Days Challenge! My DMs are always open for ideas, questions, and concerns! Feel free to hit me up if needed! See you all soon!

10 Replies to “100 Horror Movies in 92 Days Challenge: The Guidelines”

  1. Sounds interesting. I love horror movies so it would be nice if I could find some new favorites or even something scary

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